Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Qandil Observations: Part I

Filiz Koçali and Ramazan Pekgöz of Günlük recently interviewed Mr. Murat Karayılan. The interview appeared in three parts on August 7, 8, and 9, 2009. Here is the link for the original. I would like to thank the heval who translated this piece.
Qandil Observations -1

We did what Hasan Cemal asked

"We did what he [Hasan Cemal] asked. He [Hasan Cemal] said 'Everyone should keep their fingers away from triggers and PKK should take one step back'. Our forces in Turkey are trying their best to avoid conflict and not to be visible; they almost went under the ground. That's why the losses have reduced"


"We value every move and approach toward solution to Kurdish question regardless of who makes the attempt. It could be from the members of the state or civilians" says Karayılan.

'We pulled back'

Karayılan carefully read Hasan Cemal's series of writing after his interview with Karayılan. He reminds Hasan Cemal's following words "Everyone should put fingers away from the trigger and PKK should take one step back". "We did what he said. He said 'Everyone should keep their fingers away from the triggers', we started a no-conflict period and extended its duration.

Despite the operations conducted against our forces, we are still trying to keep the no-conflict process sustained. He [Hasan Cemal] said 'PKK should take a step back'. We pulled back. Our forces in Turkey are trying their best to avoid conflict and not to be visible; they almost went under the ground. That's why the losses have reduced."

Stopping the operations is at the top of requests made by various factions. In fact, stopping the operations [against the PKK] is seen as the first and important condition toward solution [to the Kurdish Question]. We ask about operations and he says 'there are still operations conducted but not as much as before'. He adds, "which means the state can stop the operations completely and turn the no-attack [from the PKK] period into no-conflict phase. Together we can develop a phase for complete cease fire where everyone stays put at their locations. We demonstrate, with all our might, our will for developing this phase". Then he says environment for dialogue can be created.

There Can't be solution without talks

Karayılan answers the suggestions developed for PKK and stresses that approaches such as 'PKK is different than the Kurdish question' are wrong and notaimed to solve the problem. He said that the Kurdish freedom struggle brought the Kurdish question to the daylight and similar things happened elsewhere in the world: "It is not necesary for Turkey to invent something new. Even if she tries, without being a proper solution, it will not bear any results. The

Minister of Internal Affairs says 'we will develop a solution unique to Turkey and sets an example for the world' and I hope that will be the case. But we don't know of solving a problem anywhere else in the world without talking to the stakeholders. Saying 'there is a problem, I will solve it myself but I will annihilate the owners of the problem' is not an approach for solution but for war. If war is not wanted and developing solution is wanted then the parties sit down, talk, and discuss."

Voluntary unity, not a forced one

Why talks and discussions? The answer is clear: "What's our purpuse for the solution? To achieve the societal reconciliation. To transform the currently existing forced unity into a voluntary unity. That's why the sides who are going to live together voluntarily must sit down and talk." He also states that willing to sit down and talk would be an indication of sincerity about wanting the solution.

He lists his expectations

He carefully watched the speech by Minister of Internal Affairs Beşir Atalay. Karayılan found Atalay's speech as 'positive' and stated that it was important and positive that Atalay for the first time spoke for the government and the state saying that 'we will solve this problem'. However he finds the content of Atalay's speech incomplete and insufficient: "nice words but the set up is not in a line which will bring solution."

He says "Mr. Atalay is someone who is responsible from security" and that they expected use of following sentences for starters: "From now on, we will not try to solve the problem with violence but by political and peaceful means. The operations will stop; we will not produce operations anymore but ideas." Karayılan states that from now on they will look at the actions.

PKK and the Kurdish question are like nail and tissue

Karayılan stresses the following: "An approach like 'I will not recognize your will, I will solve it my way, I will even talk to some sections of the society but I will not speak to you' will not bring complete solution. Kurdish question and the PKK problem are like nail and tissue, bound together. Separating them will not develop a solution."

Sincerity and trust needed

"Kurdish question is not a problem that formed yesterday. It's not a problem created by the birth of the PKK either. Existence of this problem has given birth to the PKK. That's why if Turkey really wants to completely solve the problem, she should set aside the prejudices. We should avoid the distrustful and prejudicous manners. If the state and the government presents and approach which shows trust and belief in Kurdish people, the Kurds will make every effort to honor that trust with practice."

Where Karayılan sees his hand strong is 'non-separation'. He continues: "Since there is no thought like separation is on the table, the discussions can be held with mutual respect along the lines how how to create conditions for equality, freedom, and living together."

Filiz Koçali - Ramazan Pekgöz
Readers of this blog can check Hasan Cemal's interview with Mr. Karayılan published in Rastî: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, and Part-4.

Finally, I have to point out two things. The first one is the the PKK guerrillas are trying VERY hard to avoid any kind of conflict while Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) didn't halt its operations. Quite a few guerillas have been killed during the conflict-avoidance phase PKK has initiated unilaterally. However, when guerillas are surrounded and fired upon, they do defend themselves. Wouldn't you? So, a Turkish soldier died in a recent clash and Washington Post published an article. It says One Turkish soldier died in PKK violence. Of course, there is no mention of any of the sincere moves and sacrifices the PKK has been unilaterally making to prevent bloodshed. The article tries to portray the PKK as if the PKK is opposing to the solution to the Kurdish Question:
The armed attack comes as the government prepares to announce a series of measures aimed at reducing years of problems between the Turkish state and its Kurdish population, which have been a cause of violence and poverty for years.

Karayılan, during his interview, stresses something again: non-separation. The PKK wants the problem solved within the unity of the state. The same article goes on calling PKK "separatist".

Did the TSK manage to buy some foreign reporters?

Go to Part-2 or Part-3

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