Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mass Grave in Turkish Military Installation

A soldier who served in Semdinli Derecik Internal Security Brigade during 1994-1995 came out about an event in which 12 korucular (government paramilitary forces used against PKK and Kurdish people) were tortured, shot, and buried in a mass grave in the garrison.

The soldier even provided a schematic of the mass gave and alerted the prosecutor's office and spoke to Taraf daily. You can read the full article in Turkish.

The soldier stated that the commander of the brigade then was Lt. Colonel Ali Çamurcu, a known member of JITEM who is known to kill a lot of civilians after having them kidnapped.

The soldier who came out talks about the details of the encounter of how the korucular we tortured nonstop with allegations that they were helping the PKK while in fact they were not. The poor korucular were screaming for days that they were fighting against the PKK.

Some could say these 12 korucular met their demise but I feel sorry for them. Because the korucular are stupid enough to think that the fascist state will actually value them for betraying and killing their own people. The fascist regime will never forget that korucular betrayed their own people and so they can betray her too. That's why they have no value for the fascist regime.

A reporter has found the relatives of the killed and they described what happened. It appears that after a clash between the PKK and the military, the military raided the village, set the homes on fire, tortured people, beat up a pregnant woman and killed her baby, incinerated a person alive and took these 12 korucular to the military installation for torture and later killed them.

After the story hit the news construction work started in the military post where the mass grave is supposed to be located. It wouldn't surprise me though that the remains of the people have already been removed and incinerated. JITEM's professional killers have reported in the part that they were professional enough not to leave any body parts behind.

When the families of the "missing" complained, the government refused to investigate. Later when the matter was taken to the European Human Rights Court, Turkey simply said that the "disappeared" must have joined the PKK and the atrocities were committed by the terrorist organization.

It seems to me that Turkey conveniently omitted specifying the fact that the terrorist organization was the Turkish State.

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