Saturday, May 08, 2010

A new kind of psychological warfare...

Yasemin Çongar interviewed the widow of a soldier recently killed during a PKK raid. The interview is highly emotional.

The interviewee says (as many other articles from the Turkish media have) how remote the garrison was, had no doctor, not even antibiotics, and so on. She continues on about what she heard. She repeats "the things soldiers say are conflicting because they were all in shock" (it's a known fact that people who survive traumatic events can give conflicting statements). She also talks about how soldiers ran into a room and welded the only door from inside and this is how they survived. But it gets more interesting. The interviewee gives figures about how many PKK militants were killed and that the 'terrorists' carried their dead and left.
Ms. Çongar, an experienced reporter, of course never thinks to ask how the soldiers could count anything since they trapped themselves into a room without any window and how come one could believe those traumatized soldiers now. The answer is simple. All rules of logic and justice can be set aside when it's about dealing with Kurds in general and PKK in particular. But on the bright side, now we know that the traumatized TSK soldiers can see through the walls. But how come such supreme beings can weld a door from inside so the guerrillas don't reach them?

The interviewee tells more interesting things such as
"they [the TSK soldiers] found used up courage-boosting injections on the floor left by the terrorists [the PKK guerrillas] and also adrenaline capsules". Ms. Çongar, the veteran reporter, of course forgets to ask how one could ever know such things without analysis and how could one really be sure who used what if there really were such things. Apparently the remotely located garrison without a doctor and antibiotics had a CSI lab operating with the speed of light! Bravo Ms. Çongar!

1 comment:

  1. Your article doesn't point to other inconsistencies such as the guerrillas couldn't kill the commander of the garrison by shooting because he was so brave and such a good fighter. So two guerrillas had to approach him from behind and suffocate him with a wire. What a load of bullock. I guess, like you said, the other soldiers were sitting back and watching through the walls!
