Sunday, May 01, 2011

Old Habits...

General elections in Turkey will be held on June 12, 2011. The AK Party which is the government right now has fallen back into the old habits and is using the conflict to attract ultranationalist votes. Although PKK has decleared ceasefire the attacks by the state has accelerated. Troops are attacking small guerilla units by thousands. AKP is betting on Kurdish blood bringing her some votes.

The situation is grim as the police, which is largely under government's control, is attacking Kurdish people at every chance. The videos of police even stoning municipality equipment even caught the attention of mainstream Turkish media. Here is a small except of how heroic and brave the Turkish police is. About 20 of them are beating a young person while the other thug has his pistol out and is shooting. What you don't see is the other police who aim the gas canisters at women and children. Just last week a two year old Kurdish girl was hit in the head with a gas canister while she was home. If you expect me to feel sorrow when one of these bastards meet their demise, then well, good luck to you.

The Kurdish people are calling their defence forces to duty.